U.S. Geotraces
GP-17 OCE Southern Pacific Meridional Transect

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The Bridge

The Bridge is the name for the command center of the ship. It is where the captain and crew control the ship. From the Bridge, they command the ship, including navigation, communication with land, and some of the cranes. Being on the top of the ship allows people in the Bridge to see what's around the ship, but it also means that the rocking of the ship is greatly amplified.
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Main Deck

National Science Foundation
LIVE LAB: Texas A&M University
Texas A&M University Oceanography
Old Dominion University
Bigelow: Laboratory for Ocean Sciences

Thorium Van aka "Cafe Thorium"


GEOTRACES Water Sampler

Mercury lab

Staging bay

Pump team


Computer room

The Pump Team in the Lab

Scientists Testing Water

Onboard Laboratory


Beryllium pump

Fish sampling

Exercise room

ODF Water Sampler

Interview with Chief Scientist
Ben Twining

Radium Lab

Setting up the Bubble

Loading the back of the Ship

Elements and Isotopes